This forum is open to view by non members and is solely so they can see what the RFOC is about.
Selected posts from the members forum will be placed in here so prospective members can see what they are joining.
by registering to use this forum you agree to abide by all of the rules and policies below.
Under European and Federal law children under the age of 13 are not allowed to use
this forum, any child found to be below 13 will be removed.
Although the RFOC is a site for bikers and aimed mainly at adults, it should be
remembered children will have access; therefore all posts must be acceptable as such.
Posts: should be legible, in the correct forum and in no way offensive.
Racism, personal attacks, Trolling or flaming are not allowed and any such posts will
be deleted and a warning* issued.
Pictures are permitted however must not show blatantly pornographic material,
(mild TV acceptable nudity is ok) images of children must
abide by current legislation, and must have the permission of the parent or guardian before posting.
Jokes must abide by the above rules, racist or sexist jokes are not acceptable in a public forum.
Forum users agree not to use this forum to post any material which is vulgar, defamatory,
inaccurate, harassing, hateful, threatening, invading of others privacy, sexually oriented,
or violates any laws. You also agree that you will not post any copyrighted material that is
not owned by yourself or the owners of these forums, the administrators will have no
hesitation in passing anything illegal to the relevant
Copyright : all posts and information displayed on the forum is copyright to RFOC & Friends and
can not be reposted elsewhere without permission of the RFOC or the original poster.
No RFOC member may post details of any other RFOC member on any other website without
their or Admins permission.
Members may only have one account, anyone having more will be deactivated
The forum administrators reserve the right to remove any member without notice.
* Warnings: the RFOC forum operates a “3 strikes and you're out” policy, 3 warnings
and you will be removed without chance of reinstatement.
Moderation procedure will be to act on anything that blatantly breaks the above
rules; however anything questionable should be referred for consensus between
the moderation team, with Drac having the final say.
Thank you for reading this - now sit back and enjoy the forum/club